
Can diamond series be unsalable, can the conversion of marble tiles and antique tiles save the marke


Recently, when the reporter investigated ceramic enterprises in Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Zibo, Shandong and other places, it was discovered that due to the severe environmental supervision, some ceramic enterprises in many northern production areas were forced to stop production and limit production, which has changed to a certain extent. The relationship between product supply and demand stimulated market demand and spurred enterprise sales and product selling prices.

However, after entering June, the seasonal off-season is coming as scheduled, and sales of some ceramic companies have declined significantly, and some product prices have also shown a downward trend. In July and August, the price decline will be inevitable. Faced with market pressure, North China ceramic companies have expanded channels and launched new products in order to stabilize sales and reduce pressure.

"In early June, compared with the same period in May, 20,000 boxes were sold less"

Compared with the popularity in March and April, the market has already shown signs of fatigue after entering May. In particular, polished glazed ceramic tiles represented by diamonds have even experienced the dilemma of falling volume and price; hot-selling polished tile products such as polycrystalline and Pilates are gradually cooling down, and sales have also declined.

According to a reporter's survey, most companies feel a clear decline in sales since entering June. For Zibo, Shandong, ceramic enterprises have been affected by various unfavorable factors in recent times, and product sales have been tepid, and product sales have fallen sharply year-on-year.

The sales person in charge of a ceramics company in Shaanxi said, "June has entered the off-season. In the first half of the month, it sold 20,000 boxes less than the same period in May." According to the person in charge, the obvious decline in sales was exterior wall tiles, and sales fell suddenly.

Chen Ai, general manager of Henan Zhongzhou Ceramics Marketing, also said that sales in June fell significantly. He said, "Although the current overall production and sales rate is still above 90%, orders have decreased significantly, which means business will deteriorate in the second half of the month ".

"The decline in the first ten days is obvious, and it has picked up again in the past few days," Lian Qiuqiu, marketing director of Henan Guobang Ceramics, told reporters, "It is mainly affected by the busy harvesting of wheat. A big province. In addition, the off-season entered in June, and it is normal for sales to fall to a certain extent. "

According to Dong Xingshu, deputy general manager of Hebei Hongji Ceramics, on the one hand, it is affected by entering the off-season, but it is mainly due to the busy summer harvest. "In the first ten days of June, the production-sales ratio has always remained above 80%. Due to busy farming, some vehicles went to pull food, and many vehicles could not find vehicles."

Dong Xingshu told reporters that by asking for assistance from the Handan Railway Bureau and cooperating with the Xinjiang special train line opened by the Shandong Linqing Railway Station, the tight container situation was alleviated, making up for the impact of the busy summer harvest. "It is estimated that the market will gradually pick up in another week," he said.

In-season deep price decline is inevitable

After many rounds of price increases this year, whether it is floor tiles or wall tiles, the prices of most ceramic companies in the north have risen sharply. Among them, the price increase of porcelain and polished tiles was fierce.

Taking 300 × 600mm ceramic tiles as an example, the price last year was between 2.6 and 3.6 yuan, and this year the price of most companies exceeded 3.5 yuan, and some companies even exceeded the 4 yuan mark, with an increase of more than 30%. new highs.

Polished tiles are another category where production and sales are both booming and prices are rising sharply. Affected by the reduction in production capacity and the increase in project demand, the demand for polished tiles in Kaichun has increased significantly this year. In some places, there has been a "hot" situation in short supply. The price of polished tiles has also risen sharply from last year.

According to relevant sources, taking 800 × 800mm polished tiles as an example, the price of polished tiles fell sharply last year, as low as 11-12 yuan per piece, and this year the price has risen madly by 2-3 yuan, rising to the range of 13-15 yuan. More than 20%, after entering June, with the decline in sales of ceramic companies, prices also face the challenge of falling. However, during the interview, the sales executives of many companies said that although prices have increased this year, costs have also increased significantly, so they will not consider lowering prices.

However, with the deepening of the off-season, in the later July and August, market sales will continue to decline, and manufacturers' inventories will increase again. There will certainly be some manufacturers that cannot withstand the pressure of funds and have to lower prices. Especially for diamond products, there is currently a serious surplus of production, a large backlog of goods, competition is becoming more fierce, and a price fall is inevitable.

Marble tiles and antique tiles become the main force of "save the city"

Faced with the dilemma of sales decline and price fall brought by the off-season, northern production areas accelerated the promotion of new products to enhance their competitiveness. Among them, marble tiles and antique tiles became the main products of enterprises.

It is understood that in response to the advent of the off-season, some manufacturers in the north have launched new products such as 1: 1 marble tiles and antique tiles. Recently, Anyang Lange Ceramics launched Emperor Jade, Anyang ’s Xinshuncheng Ceramics launched 1: 1 marble floor tiles, Fang Limei Ceramics, Fuhui Ceramics and Xin Boer Ceramics launched antique tiles, Zibo ’s Jinyi Ceramics , Zhilian Ceramics, Dongyue Ceramics have launched soft marble tiles, Xinbo Ceramic's soft marble tiles will also be rolled out in the near future, and Zibo Xinze Ceramics has launched a thickness of 2 cm and a size of 600 × 1200mm Specifications Antique Brick ...

According to analysis from insiders, as far as the current market is concerned, the introduction of new products not only helps to enrich the types of products of manufacturers and increase sales, but also solves the problems of transparent prices and meager profits of conventional products, and improves corporate profits. For the Zibo production area, under the current various pressures, many new products of ceramic companies have been published one after another, which not only increased the confidence of customers who have always adhered to Zibo, improved the product's competitive advantage, but also surpassed the adversity of the production area. Brings opportunities.

However, some insiders expressed concern about the frequent introduction of new products by Tao Qi: New products should also be aimed at market trends, depending on their own strength. Otherwise, even if new products are launched, it will be less effective, and it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Zibo ceramics sales are hot, scheduling 5 days and actually producing 15 days

Compared with other production areas in the north, the effect of new product promotion in the Zibo production area is more obvious and the significance is more significant.

Previously, as the Zibo government focused on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of ceramic enterprises, and clearly reduced the ceramic tile production capacity from 700 million to 200 million, the huge changes triggered a wide range of panic customers in Zibo ceramic enterprises. The instability of the environment shows many concerns. In addition, the number of new products launched in the entire production area in 2016 is very few, which is aggravating customers' concerns about the Zibo production area to a certain extent.

In the recent period, many ceramic enterprises have launched new products in an unanimous manner, which not only enhances the competitiveness of enterprises in the off-season, but also makes customers regain their confidence in Zibo products.

According to the reporter, the current soft new marble tiles and large-size antique tiles in Zibo production area have received good market response, and sales have exceeded expectations.

Zhang Guoliang, general manager of Zibo Jinyi Ceramics Co., Ltd., told reporters that from the current actual sales status of soft light marble, customers have long expected this product. Since the production of soft marble tiles, the sales department has continuously received orders from customers. According to the company's previous production schedule, the soft light marble tiles were originally arranged for only 5 days, but the result was 15 consecutive days of production.

According to Zhu Biao, general manager of Zibo Zhilian Ceramics Sales, due to the recent weak market in the terminal market, dealers want to find a more advantageous product to enhance their market competitiveness. Therefore, once the manufacturers launch more competitive products, most customers are still very active. This fully shows that, despite the cold sales in the terminal market, our customers are still concerned about the advantages of new products.

Song Feng, deputy general manager of Zibo Xinbo Ceramics Co., Ltd., said that the soft light series products developed by his company will also be available in the near future. 2017 will be held at the end of June. Soft light marble tiles are the main products and will also be the Highlight product.

In addition to soft light marble tiles, antique tiles in the off-season have also become the “new darling” of Zibo ceramic enterprises. Recently, Zibo Xinze Ceramics changed production and launched antique brick products with a thickness of 2 cm and a specification of 600 × 1200mm. Gao Hao, general manager of Xinze Ceramics, is very confident in the product. "The quality will never be bad. It is difficult for others to imitate."

In order to cope with the sluggish market in the off-season, in addition to accelerating the listing of new products, northern ceramic companies have begun to transform their market network channels by building products with strong products and strong strengths. Increase popularity and boost sales.

On June 13, at the Spring / Summer 2017 New Appreciation Meeting, Anyang Lange Ceramics Chairman Chen Daixun stated that the establishment of a brand store is a priority for truly achieving brand transformation. Improve terminal service and maintenance to enhance the comprehensive strength of terminal specialty stores.

Other manufacturers, mainly based on wholesale channels, further sink channels to county-level, township, and even larger village-level sales points, making terminal sales networks more dense and detailed.
